Favorite Stability Ball Exercises

Stability ball, physioball, swiss ball. This allusive exercise companion has been a staple in my training for quite a lot of years now. I had implemented it into some of my climbing-specific accessory work due to the increased core engagement the squishy instability provides. For climbers, it is a great tool for increasing core strength, which is the backbone of our sport. When the pandemic hit, it made sense to incorporate the stability ball into my virtual fitness training. It can take a normal exercise and really turn up the burn!

what size ball should i get?

Although any stability ball will work, you will get the most out of your exercise if you are working with the appropriate size stability ball.

Ready to give the stability ball a try? Good.

Below are my top 7 favorite stability ball exercises of all time…

For Sets and Repetitions I always enjoy pairing 2-4 exercises for 3 rounds of :45 seconds of work and :15 seconds of rest. That equates to about 6-10 repetitions. Yet I enjoy the timed sequence for the mere fact that I can focus on my breath while doing these exercises. They are called stability balls for a reason! XD

  1. Pass thrus

Begin by laying on your back, arms and legs straight up in the air. Push your back into the ground and try to keep it flat against the ground throughout the exercise (similar to the dead bug). Pass the ball between your hands and legs. When you pass the ball, extent your limbs so that the ball taps the ground.

2. Knee Tucks

Begin in a plank position with your shins resting on the stability ball. While keeping your arms locked out and core tight, pull your knees in toward your chest and then extend back into a plank position.

3. Dead Bugs

Begin in the Dead Bug position, back on the ground (supine) with hands and knees supporting the stability ball. Make sure that your feet are parallel with your knees (in a 90/90 position) and that your back is completely flat against the ground. From here, inhale a big breath of air and extend your opposite arm and opposite leg while also keeping your back flat on the ground. Exhale all of your air and then, with control, move your limbs back to the center. Repeat on the opposing sides.

4. stir the pot

Begin in a plank position with your forearms in the center of the stability ball, feet wide. While keeping stiff hips and a neutral spine, make small circles around your face, going clockwise and then counter clockwise to represent 1 rep.

5. Plank

Placing your forearms in the center of the stability ball, step your feet back so that your body forms a straight line from your head to your ankles. Keep your core tight by squeezing your abdominals and glutes. Keep your head hovered over your hands.

6. bodysaw

Begin in a prone plank position with feet wide and wrists centered in the middle of the stability ball. While keeping a neutral spine, perform a bodysaw by pressing your forearms into the stability ball and moving your arms forward + back. For an easier variation, just stay put and plank on the stability ball.

7. hamstring curls

Begin by laying on the ground in a supine position. With your legs straight, place the heels of your feet in the center of the stability ball. Perform a hamstring curl by bending your knees and gliding from your heels to the balls of your feet, balancing on the stability ball. End the repetition by bringing your legs from their bent back to their straight position. You may need to adjust your feet after several reps.

Did you like any of these variations?

Did I forget your favorite?

Let me know in the comments!