At-Home Fitness Glow Up

I’ll be honest-

If you told me pre-pandemic that I would be living in a barn, hanging out with animals and kids everyday while making money virtually by coaching fitness to super awesome individuals, I would have laughed at the unfathomable. What alternate reality do you speak of?! I usually spent my days in chalky gyms or outside adventuring. Plus, I enjoy in-person interaction so being removed from it just seemed so foreign. That was until the pandemic, where I was quarantined for most of the year. The pandemic threw yet another life curveball, one that smacked me pretty hard but I’ve managed. I had to pivot and adjust my priorities. In doing so I found that I actually enjoyed doing less and having more intention behind what I do with my time. I also found that I am enjoying working out at home, away from the incessant social chatter of the gym atmosphere.

A lot of people are feeling similarly as we navigate society in a “post-pandemic” life. That "post” really does deserve the sarcastic air quotes because currently the COVID pandemic rages on, despite the societal fashion choice of rose colored glasses.

If you’re contemplating at-home fitness for the coming cold months, it really doesn’t take a lot to vary the workouts and create the right amount of challenge for yourself. If you’re looking for an at-home fitness glow up, I’ve attached a list of all my favorite exercise equipment. Although none of this equipment is sponsored, I always recommend purchasing from small business directly from their website or store. That being said, lots of these items can probably be found much cheaper at your local Target, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Dick’s, or Ebay.

Once you’ve got the at-home fitness basics covered, you’ll need a stroke of creativity and accountability. If that’s tough for you, my coaching can help! I love writing up creative training workouts that keep you accountable to your goals.

At-Home Fitness Glow Up Equipment

Exercise Mat

Always an essential. Just keeps a cushion between you and the ground. Easy to clean, too.

Foam Roller

Ahhh deep pressure. Foam rolling is an amazing self-massage tool. It’s not for everyone, but I sure enjoy the muscle release and will program it for any client who will benefit from it. Your body and your muscles have a range of different shapes and size, which is why I have a few different suggestions below.

Exercise Bands

Hands down the best purchase I ever made was these Acumobility’s Cotton Resistance Bands. Whether you use it as a warm up, rehab, or as a strength training tool, resistance bands are key for at-home fitness.


So many different kinds of weights! What to get? If you’re new to this at-home training thing, start with 1-2 different pairs of dumbbells. Each type of weight and weight range opens up another avenue of fitness creativity for your routine. If you’re tight on budget then try filling a backpack with heavy books, gear, or rocks. You can strap the bag to your frontside or backside for things such as squats and pullups.

Exercise Balls

If you have space in your home for an exercise ball I highly recommend as it will turn up the volume on your core, making all of your friends question how you got so ripped while hibernating in your basement.

Hangboards, Bars, Suspension

If you like to hang, climb, do pullups, pushups, and core training, then check out these various hangboard and bar options!

Did I miss your favorite piece of at-home equipment? I wanna know!

Give some of these options a try and let me know what you think in the comments!